"""★★★ This application is 100% FREE ★★★You want to impress your friends and family? you want to improve your drawing skills ? Or maybe you are an anime fan ?This Free application is all what you need.""How To draw anime"" app, provide the perfect guide to learn the drawing. So you can learn how to draw anime Manga using these tips step by step in our drawing app.We give you this free app to help you successfully start your anime manga drawing.The program shows step by step drawing for each image,You don't need any special skills it’s self-teaching.With ""How to draw anime"" app, Drawing is easy , you can follow steps to create your first anime characters.This Anime Tutorial will teach you: * How to draw anime faces and heads.* How to draw anime eyes, females and males.* How to draw anime Hair.* How to draw anime Lips and mouths.* How to Draw Anime Guys.웃 APP FEATURES 웃★ Easy to use (one click app)★ User friendly interface★ Draw Offline (no internet connection required)웃 Please Support Us By Rating Us 5 for more updates ★★★★★웃 Feel free to contact us for any questions or feedback.Have a great day dear friends,Start Improve your drawing skills, Happy drawing!Disclaimer : This is is fan made app. All the logos, trademarks and sources are the properties of their respective owners. We do not endorse in hosting or supporting the channel.If you feel there is an immediate copyright or trademark infringement that doesn't take after inside the ""fair use"" guidelines, please reach us specifically."